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Hourly Coaching

RPM-Academy provides you or your team with access to our staff of highly-experienced business professionals, each bringing their own, unique perspectives on change management, project management, business strategy, operational excellence, and life skills.


Managers:  On-demand coaching can augment the support you are already providing the team, including supporting your important improvement initiatives.


Students/RPM-Members:  Whether preparing for your Certification exam or seeking advice on a project you are leading, our faculty is there to assist.  For additional information, please contact us.

Hourly Coaching

  • On demand, remote coaching (telephone, video conference, email, etc.) is available in hourly units (credits).  These coaching credits can then be used in 30 or 60 minute coaching installments.  The recommended maximum time for a coaching session is 2 hours.

    Upon purchase, you will be contacted by an assigned RPM-Academy coach who will coordinate with you directly in terms of your plan and methods for scheduling coaching sessions that best fit your needs. 

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